Tuesday 13 October 2009

Security: Preparing your MOSS farm for a corporate security review (part 1 of 3)

I would like to begin this post by thanking those that have recently subscribed to this blog via RSS. I always have a hard time deciding whether a blog should consume valuable space within my Google RSS reader so greatly appreciate the thought.

This post is primarily intended for those hosting or planning to host secure MOSS Web applications, although most of these points could also be applied to most Web applications that host sensitive content over the security minefield that is the Internet.

Having recently been through numerous corporate security reviews with potential clients, I thought it would be interesting to share some of the common queries that I get asked, along with an explanation and indication as to what constitutes an "acceptable" answer in terms of security. I imagine a lot of MOSS system administrators that host secure, Internet facing Web applications have been through the numerous security related hoops described below (including, in most cases a "PenTest" - I will detail preparation for that in another post). I thought it would be useful to document some of the most common queries.

Please note that the views expressed herein are my personal views and are not intended to reflect the views of my employer at the time of writing.

Without further ado:

1. Access Controls
  • Q: How many different access levels are there for your application?
  • A: 2 levels of access control is normally sufficient.
This one depends on the nature of your application. In most cases, an externally accessible MOSS Web application will contain multiple access levels. Similarly, in cases where said MOSS Web application is third party hosted, clients may not have access to carry out potentially dangerous functions that only an "administrator" should be able to perform. Typically, most users will have either "read" or "contribute" access, whereas power users might have "design", or even "full control" for some sites.

Security conscious organisations look for multiple access levels to allow for SoD. In my limited experience, the larger the organisation, the tighter the desired level of access control and, in MOSS terms the more users with "read" access. Having two clearly defined access levels is normally sufficient to satisfy most clients requirements but expect to implement more if your client(s) wish to implement access controls similar to their own organisational structure.
  • Q: Are users configured with individual usernames and passwords?
  • A: A must have for secure sites with auditing.
Pretty simple - in a secure environment where auditing is required, individual logons are a necessity rather than a luxury and your clients should demand it.
  • Q: Is a password policy enforced, including forced password changes?
  • A: Enforce a strong password policy; forced password changes are recommended.
We are forever told that choosing a secure password is a must when using sensitive applications - especially those hosted over the Internet. However, we as users can't be relied upon to resist entering a password any more secure than "chocolate123" or "admin1982". This seems to be a pet hate of large corporations, and rightly so. Enforce a secure password policy - at a minimum add some page level validation; preferably force the complexity requirement within your directory structure (e.g. Active Directory).

Security conscious organisations often look for forced password changes. However, it is not always required and this requirement does depend on the sensitivity of the application along any mitigating factors (e.g. a strong password policy and account lockouts, see below). In my experience, it is not essential.
  • Q: Does the application support account lockouts?
  • A: Enforce account lockouts with a realistic threshold
Automated account lockouts represent a basic, but effective measure against brute force attacks and a mitigating factor where password changes are not forced. I would go as far to say that it is an essential feature for applications that contain sensitive data - and so will your clients.

With regard to the threshold, many organisations will try to stick with their own internal account lockout policy. Commonly requested thresholds based on my experience are between 3 and 5, so I would recommend aiming for something around that area. For applications that do not require such a strict threshold, you may consider increasing this to a number between 6 and 10. This still provides some protection against brute force attacks whilst removing any frustration users might have over account lockouts.
  • Q: Is there a documented process for revocation of a users access?
  • A: Provide a clear, documented process that minimises chance of human error
In a lot of cases, I find that procedures for providing access are clearly defined and documented. Staff know exactly what is required in order to grant a new user access to a secure site. However, this is not always the case when it comes to revoking a users access, and is often left unchecked. If a user can't log in, your support staff will know about it soon enough. If they can log in after their account has "expired", you may find that you aren't ever notified there is an issue.

Reassure clients that you have a clear process and implement it. If you receive notification that a users access should be revoked by a set date, enforce account expiration in your directory structure and add a suitable description. In MOSS, you could go one step further and create a list of accounts marked for revocation.

Thats all for today. Join me soon for part 2. Still to come: Auditing, Change Management, Data Protection, Disaster Recovery, Infrastructure and Physical Security.

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